Environmental Chimney Sweep Inc.

Basic Chimney Sweep & Repair Blog

Critters and Such in the Chimney

Humans are not the only species that need a warm, dry place to live. Without proper prevention, your chimney can become a haven to many a fine feathered or four legged friend. Birds are always on the lookout for somewhere to nest. In the spring and summer time, raccoons will often seek a place to have their young. Scampering squirrels may fall prey to an accidental entrapment. If you hear a scratching and clawing sound in your chimney, it probably isn’t Santa.

Not only is a scared animal in your chimney irritating, it can also be dangerous. Nests and clogs can cause chimney fires. While they look cute and cuddly in National Geographic or the zoo, these creatures can introduce fun things like parasites and fleas into your home.

The best way to prevent critters is a durable chimney cap. Ask Basic Chimney Sweep to make a recommendation. There are lots to choose from! If you are already experiencing a chimney invasion, there are a few things you can do while waiting on us to give you support. Raccoons especially do not like loud noise, so try a radio blasting. Bright lights and strong odors are also effective. Perhaps try that three month old cheese casserole you forgot about in the fridge. Overall, don’t take it on alone! Call in Basic Chimney Sweep. We are trained not only in how to remove squirrely squirrels, but also how to do so safely.

By Ronald Caillais on August 25th, 2012 | Tagged with: Tags: , | Comments Off on Critters and Such in the Chimney

Don’t Forget To Have Your Dryer Vents Cleaned

One household task that gets routinely forgotten is dryer vent cleaning. This can be a very dangerous situation, because the lint that collects in the dryer vent is extremely flammable. All it would take is a single spark for disaster to strike. It is important to remember, though, that this is not a job that can easily be done without the proper tools. Keep in mind, you’ll need to clean more than the ends of the vent. There will be plenty of lint in the middle portion of the vent pipe.

Besides the obvious fire hazard, a clogged dryer vent will run less efficiently. This causes your clothes to dry more slowly, and your utility bill to go up more rapidly. Also, the dryer itself is likely to have a shorter life because it has to work so much harder. You will find that your overall costs to clean your clothes goes up exponentially by failing to properly maintain your dryer vent system. Of course, money savings aren’t the only consideration regarding dryer duct cleaning.

Statistically, there are around 15,000 dryer vent fires every year. Besides a professional cleaning, be sure to clean out the lint trap after each use. Also, never leave the dryer running when you leave your home. You never know when you might have a problem. The worst part is this is a preventable disaster. With some simple maintenance, you can avoid dryer vent hazards. There aren’t many disasters that are this simple to prevent.

Be aware of the potential dangers you face with your dryer, furnace, chimney, and other home appliances that involve fire. Proper care and awareness will keep you and your family safe from completely preventable disasters. That makes the cost of a cleaning well worth the cost, because your family and your home are priceless.

By Ronald Caillais on August 7th, 2012 | Tagged with: Tags: , | Comments Off on Don’t Forget To Have Your Dryer Vents Cleaned
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